nice to meet you!

I’m Katie O’Neall, a watercolor artist based in New York City.

I find most of my inspiration in nature and travel. Landscapes, botanicals, and animals (especially my cat Luna) are some of my favorite subjects!

I love experimenting with new styles, projects, and skills. I loved drawing and painting from a young age and received a bachelor’s degree in art, but I’m always exploring many creative hobbies. My ideal title would be jack of all trades or master crafter.

To reconnect with my artistic side while working my 9-to-5, I started painting custom cards for friends and family for birthdays and special occasions. I found this to be a very fun, personal, and meaningful way to share my creativity with those closest to me. This gradually evolved into KO’Neall Art where I now offer custom watercolor illustrations.

I love working on every piece, especially when I am painting something unique and special to you. I am looking forward to working together!

– Katie



Aspiring Master Crafter



Chief Meow-keting Officer

let’s be friends

Follow @koneallart on Instagram to see more examples of custom artwork